This page contains links to complementary, downloadable documents and websites.
Hardcopy of contents
Parents and carers can request hardcopies all information shown on this website, specifically policies and other documents. Please contact the nursery office for further information.
School Contact Details
The name, postal address and telephone number of the school, and the name of a person to whom enquiries should be addressed is:
Mrs Catherine Fairbairn, Chair of Governors, Rothwell Schools, can be contacted at the above address.
For queries related to Special Educational needs please contact Mrs Gemma Harvey, Headteacher Inclusion at the above address.
Rothwell Victoria Infant School and Rothwell Junior School are part of the Pathfinder Schools Academy Trust, Greening Road, Rothwell, NN14 6BB, Tel: 01536 903399
Admission Arrangements: Infants and Juniors
Note : Our Admissions Policies are found on our Policies page.
Places at are allocated by North Northamptonshire County Council. All information and oversubscription criteria are detailed in the Pathfinder Schools admission policy, this also details the appeal procedure and the oversubscription criteria for the school.
Please follow the links below to request an in year school place or to apply for a new Reception or Secondary school place or if your child has special educational needs or disabilities:
To request an in year school place
Applying for a Primary school place for September 2024
The application process closes on January 15th 2024
Follow the links above for information on how to make a late application.
School admissions arrangements for children with SEND
School appeal timetable
Action Deadline
- Appeals need to be submitted
- Primary school: no later than 5.00pm on 16 May 2023
- Secondary school: no later than 5.00pm on 29 March 2023.
- In-year transfers: no deadline for submitting appeal.
- Sixth form: within 30 school days from the date when refused a place. Where offers of places are conditional upon GCSE examination results, appeals for admission to 6th forms cannot be heard until after GCSE results are known.
- Late appeals: no deadline
Parents' additional evidence must be submittedWithin 10 school days of submitting their appeal by email to:
or by post to:
Appeals Team, Democratic Services,
West Northamptonshire Council,
One Angel Square, Angel Street,
Hearings take place
- Primary school: Every effort will be made to convene on-time appeals within 40 school days from the closing date for lodging appeals, however, there may be delays due to limitations of video conferencing facilities. Appeals will be scheduled at the earliest possible date.
- In-year transfers: appeals lodged outside the normal admission round will be convened within 28 days, where possible, following receipt of your appeal form, or at the earliest possible date.
- Late appeals: Late co-ordinated appeals will be heard alongside on-time appeals wherever possible. Every effort will be made to hear late appeals before the end of the school year, but if this is not possible, they will be convened at the earliest possible time in the new school year. Appeals are not usually convened during school holidays due to the unavailability of school representatives.
- Parents will receive written notification of appeal dateAt least 14 days before the date of appeal. (You may waive your right to this notice period if it will help to speed up your appeal, but a quicker appeal cannot be guaranteed.) Appeals for the same school and year group must be heard together and by the same panel.
The clerk (or the person organising the appeal) sends appeal papers to parents, the panel and the school 7 clear days before the appeal hearing.
No further documents will be posted after this date.
Appeal hearing decision.
Decisions will be made after all appeals have been heard for the particular school.
Decision letters will be sent at the earliest possible time and where possible, within 7 days following decisions. In the case of multiple appeals or in busy times, please allow up to 14 days for decision letters to be sent.
Appeals Process WebsiteAppeals Process Website
Home to School Travel Assistance
Councils are required to provide travel assistance between Home and School for children and young people residing in their area who meet the eligibility criteria.
Parents living in North Northamptonshire are asked to be aware that the criteria for admission to any school (including “linked” schools) differs from the criteria for travel assistance. With effect from the academic year starting in September 2024, linked schools are no longer treated as the nearest suitable school for new applicants for transport, unless the school is actually the nearest suitable school with places available to their home address.
The offer of a place at any particular school does not automatically guarantee the provision of travel assistance. If parents intend to apply for Home to School Travel Assistance for their child, they are advised to read the Council’s Home to School Transport policy before applying.
North Northamptonshire Council supports the right of parents to express preferences for schools. However, in order to be eligible for free home to school travel assistance, (subject to meeting the other eligibility criteria) the child or young person must be attending their nearest suitable school which has places available, or the special school named in the child’s Education Health and Care Plan if they have one. Where a parent has opted for their child to attend a school or special school that is not their named or nearest suitable provision with places, it is likely that transport will not be provided.
There is no automatic entitlement to assistance with travel between home and school. Parents requiring home to school transport or other travel assistance will need to make an application to their Local Authority. Each application will be assessed on its own merits against the published policy.
For further information about Home to School transport, including details of who might be eligible, you should read the Home to School Transport Policy relevant to the area in which you live.
- Families resident in North Northamptonshire should use this link:
School travel assistance | North Northamptonshire Council (
(Or search
- Families resident in West Northamptonshire should use this link
School travel assistance | West Northamptonshire Council (
- Families resident in other Local Authority areas should contact their local council.
Admissions Arrangements: Nursery
If you would like your child to attend our Nursery unit, please see details within our published admission policies. All applications for in year 2020-21 and for future years are to be made directly to the Infant School Office. Proof of Address and your child's birth certificate will be needed to register.
In the event of oversubscription for places the following criteria will be applied:
Rothwell Victoria Infant Nursery Unit
Oversubscription Criteria
The published total admission number for the Nursery is 78.
Places will be allocated to pupils who have been registered with the School Office. Parents are able to register their child from the September following their child’s first birthday. The allocations will be made on a first come, although the session preference stated by parents at the time of registration may not always be available. These places will be allocated in the Spring term prior to them joining. Registration or referral forms received from health visitors or other agencies providing details of children requiring a place on the grounds of Special Educational Needs will be given special consideration and may take preference when allocating places.
1. Looked After Children and all previously Looked After Children
2. Date of registration of the pupil
3. Children who live in Rothwell, Harrington and Thorpe Underwood.
4. Other children.
Distance Tiebreaker
If the admission number is exceeded within any criteria, priority will be given to those closest to the school. Measurements are carried out in a straight line basis from the child’s home address to the address point of the school.
In the case where multiple applications for the same shared dwelling occurs (eg. Flats), a randomiser will be used to decide the priority in which the pupils within the shared dwelling are selected in the event of a tie. The random allocation process will be subject to independent verification.
School Uniform
Information about the school's approach to uniform can be found in our school uniform policy located on our Policies page.
Ofsted Reports
Our school Ofsted Reports can be found by using these links
Below is a link to the School Performance Website
Key Stage 2 Results & School Performance Tables
Our KS2 results and School performance data is held online at the Department of Education Performance Tables website, which can be found by using this link.
School Opening Hours
Rothwell Junior School: School starts at 08.45 and school ends at 15.20. The Junior School is open for a total of 32 hours and 54 minutes a week.
Rothwell Victoria Infant School: School starts at 08.45 and school ends at 15.15. The Infant School is open for a total of 32 and half hours a week.
Rothwell Victoria Nursery Unit: Sessions run between 09.00-12.00, 12.00-15.00
School Curriculum
We have a significant amount of information related to the curriculum alongside our curriculum which can be found on our dedicated page
Behaviour and Anti-Bullying
Our Behaviour Policy will advise you on how we manage behaviour and relationships at the Rothwell Schools, this policy can be downloaded from our Policies page. Details of our approach to managing bullying can be found as part of Anti-Bullying Policy which is located in our Policies page.
Pupil Premium, Recovery Premium and Sports Premium
Detailed statements of the school's Pupil Premium, Recovery Premium and Sports Premium can be downloaded from our Policies page.
Equality Duty
It is the school's policy that all children and their parents be treated equally regardless of gender, religion, race, nationality, social background or disability.
Our Equality Duty Information Summary and Action Plan can be located in the statutory policies section of our Policies page.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Our SEND Policy can be downloaded from our Policies page. and more information about support for Special Education Needs can be found on our dedicated page
Complaints Policy
We hope you would contact the school in the instance of any issues however, if you feel the need to make a complaint a copy of this Policy can be found on our Policies page.
Trust Annual Reports and Accounts
Trust annual reports and accounts are published annually on the trust website which can be accessed on the following link. Please see on our Policies page. a copy of the master funding agreement for the trust. The articles of association and current scheme of delegation can be found on the trust website.
Governance Arrangements
Information for Governance arrangements for the Trust can be found here on the trust website.
Details about arrangements for governance and their responsibilities for the local academy board can be found here on our dedicated page
Charging Policy
The school's charging and remissions policy can be downloaded from our Policies page
Values and Ethos
Our Federation within the Pathfinder Schools Trust is underpinned by the following vision statement:
- To ensure the highest standards of educational provision, achievement and wellbeing across the Rothwell Schools
- To work collaboratively within the Pathfinder Schools Trust to ensure that all pupils have high aspirations to become great learners and make excellent progress regardless of their starting point.
- To enable everyone involved within the partnership community the chance to be able to achieve and to enjoy, to be healthy and safe and to support their well-being in order toenable them to make a positive contribution.
Further information about our school ethos and values can be found on the following page