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Rothwell News

  • Attending school is crucial for young children's learning, socialization, and future success
  • Attending school helps young children develop cognitive and social skills, fosters curiosity, and sets the foundation for future academic and personal success.
  • Regularly missing school can lead to a significant gap in a child's education, affecting their academic progress and future opportunities.


We are FORS, Friends of Rothwell Schools.

We are an organisation with a mission to make the school the best possible learning environment for all the children who attend our schools.

We are a registered charity and so have a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. We then consist of any parents who wish to attend meetings, lend their time or expertise. We meet regularly throughout the year and all parents, grandparents etc are welcome to join us at these meetings.

We will always be grateful for any help we receive, whether this is attending a meeting, lending your time for a cake sale or even one of our bigger events, all help, no matter how small you may think it is, will ALWAYS be appreciated.

We will be raising money throughout the year to help purchase things the school budget does not usually cover. This year we are looking to raise money towards new IT equipment, an outdoor shelter and a new PA system!

If you’d like to find out more about FORS or join us for one of our meetings please do not hesitate to get in touch via our Facebook page, Friends Of Rothwell Schools (link below) and keep an eye out for the Friday flyers where we will announce our upcoming meeting dates!

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Our team

Committee members and roles are as follows:

  • Chair - Francesca Coveney
  • Vice Chair - Phillipa Britten
  • Treasurer - Tony Smith
  • Secretary - Tony Smith