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Rothwell News

  • Attending school is crucial for young children's learning, socialization, and future success
  • Attending school helps young children develop cognitive and social skills, fosters curiosity, and sets the foundation for future academic and personal success.
  • Regularly missing school can lead to a significant gap in a child's education, affecting their academic progress and future opportunities.

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Welcome from the Chair of the Local Academy Board, Mrs Catherine Fairbairn

Thank you for taking your time to view the Local Academy Board information for Rothwell Schools.

Rothwell Schools Governors have responsibility for Rothwell Victoria Infant school and Rothwell Junior School and we work closely with the Executive Headteacher, members of the Senior Leadership Team and the Pathfinder Schools Trust and its Trustees to ensure the smooth running of the schools, and that decisions taken are made for the best interests of the pupils.  The Pathfinder Schools Trust Board has overall responsibility for governance.

Governors of Pathfinder Schools sit on Local Academy Boards, also known as the Local Tier within a Multi Academy Trust and serving Governors are answerable to the Trustees.  The primary role of the Local Academy Board is to provide support and challenge to the Headteacher in ensuring every child make good or better progress and that the academy is achieving targets and continually improving.

The Local Academy Board provides focused governance for the academy at a local level.  We monitor the schools performance and act as a critical friend to the Headteacher. 

The essential role of the Local Academy Board is to provide support, scrutiny and challenge.  Governance is judged within the Ofsted framework and they will look for evidence of impact and challenge from Governors when carrying out an inspection.

The Local Academy Board has representatives from the Community, the teachers and staff and parents.  Parent governors are elected by the parents are serve a four year term. 

Local Academy Boards within the Pathfinder Schools have delegated responsibility in the following four areas:-

  • Safeguarding – Monitoring and challenging the implementation of statutory safeguarding obligations and priorities.  A link governor is appointed for Safeguarding
  • SEND – Ensure pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) get the support they need and seek assurance that staff are adequately trained.  A link governor is appointed for SEND
  • Standards – Monitor school performance – reviewing data, attendance and pupil progress. Scrutinise and challenge achievement of academic targets at each KPI (Key Performance Indicator) for all pupils through monitoring and ‘deep dives’
  • Stakeholder engagement –Ensure stakeholder views are accounted for. Participate in wider networking and development with other academies in the Trust.

The Governing Board is proud of the school, its vision and values and the dedication of all staff to instil aspirations for every child in the Rothwell Schools and ensure they leave as confident lifelong learners. 

Interested in becoming a Governor?

We are always looking to build our skills across the governing body.  If you have an interest in improving education and want to make a difference to the children within your community please register your interest by emailing the Chair of Governors on  

All Governors receive induction training and support and have access to a full range of training programmes and modules from in-house training, NNC training and the NGA. 

Thank you

The Local Academy Board has representatives from the Community, Staff and Parents.  Parent Governors are elected by the parents and serve a four year term.  Governors meet 6 times a year to discuss school issues.  All meetings are minuted and the minutes are available for inspection.

Local Academy Board Documents